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Features for sellers


Never worry about over selling again. SellWise aggregates TradeMe and Facebook Marketplace as a single source of information. Trade and Manage your listings without duplicates.


We’re for Kiwis and believe in fair fees. When items are purchased directly on SellWise you also say goodbye to high fees.


When items are purchased directly on SellWise you get paid instantly to your account. We’re also ready to be part of open banking in New Zealand too.


Message directly with buyers without restrictions. We will support and protect any goods sold on SellWise while also allowing off app trading.


With the use of AI, we’ll help you list your items in seconds. From quick image and video edits to titles, description and category suggestions.


We’ll provide you with data that allows you to maximise your selling price. We’ll provide data on what similar goods have sold for recently so you can swap stale listings with successful sales.


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What would it take to compete with TradeMe? – 6 Critical considerations to ensure success

TradeMe has long held a dominant position in New Zealand’s online marketplace, offering a platform where buyers and sellers can transact with ease. However, the rise of new technologies and evolving consumer preferences suggest that it is possible for a new competitor to challenge TradeMe’s dominance. But what exactly would it take to compete with such an established player? Here are six critical areas where a new entrant would need to focus.

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